student spotlight

Student Spotlight: Addison Young

Addison Young is a seventh grade student enrolled at John Boise Middle School. She was chosen by the teachers at John Boise Middle School when they were asked for nominations for our student spotlight for the board of education. 

Here are some things teachers said about her when nominating her for this spotlight: 

Addi is an engaged student with a positive attitude. She is respectful to her teachers and her classmates.

Addi Young comes into class with a great attitude everyday. She is a hard worker and gives her best effort at everything she does. Addi also does a great job of encouraging others and picking them up when they are having a bad day.  

Addison as a student is a role model for her peers and is never looking for the spotlight.

In my opinion, Addison exemplifies the dedication and persistence that a Wildcat student athlete should possess: consistency, hard-work, communication, and self-efficacy.

I have had Addison for two years and you could not ask for a student who is more focused, patient, hard working, respectful, and so on.

Addi is a role model for other students. She always gives her all in whatever task is given to her with a positive attitude. I have seen it in my classroom for several years and outside of my classroom. Her behavior as a role model is overlooked because she does not look for the limelight which is why this spotlight should be shone on her.

Addison is an amazing young woman. She works hard everyday in practice, very coachable, willing to do what is needed and extra, never complains and never shorts her tasks. It is always a pleasure to coach young players who work as hard as Addison and are actively looking to be coached. Addison is a great example of Warsaw Pride, Tradition, and Excellence. 

Way to go, Addison! Keep showing your Wildcat Pride in everything you do! We’re so proud of you.